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Statement from New NCAI President Fawn Sharp
NCAI 2019 NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS - Acceptance Speech President Fawn Sharp
Fawn Sharp, President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
Native Bidaské with Fawn Sharp (Quinault Indian Nation) - President, NCAI
World Wildlife Day 2021: Remarks by Ms. Fawn Sharp, President of the Quinault Indian Nation
Fawn Sharp: What States Need to Understand About ICWA
Sovereignty in Action: Fawn Sharp
Fawn Sharp: Quinault Indian Nation - NCAI President - The National Congress Of American Indians
9 24 A13 Keynote Address Fawn Sharp NCAI
Fawn Sharp: Enforcing the Indian Child Welfare Act to Protect Native Children
Fawn Sharp | National Congress of American Indians
National Congress of American Indians announces Sovereignty Run